Our Approach
Who We Are
Gemini Business Group, LLC addresses today’s explosive growth of global entrepreneurship reshaping every business sector, impacting and reshaping current markets and creating new ones. Entrepreneurship challenges and opportunities are formidable- statistics show that about fifty percent of new ventures fail within five years.
Gemini Business Group, LLC focuses on the entrepreneurship and new venture development arenas. We are a new venture management firm committed to helping clients plan, develop, manage, finance and grow new business ventures. We also help clients, including agencies, develop the policy framework and programs capitalizing on entrepreneurship to expand local, regional and national economies, create economic growth, new business opportunities and jobs.
The firm’s Managing Partner and professionals have extensive, proven new experience n entrepreneurship, venture development and senior management experience with leading industry players..
Under the leadership of the firm’s Managing Partner, Paul B. Silverman, the firm is addressing today’s technologies and market sectors experiencing exponential growth rates including Internet of Things (IoT), wireless data applications, predictive analytics, healthcare and financial sector opportunities among others.
Many of these are disruptive technologies; changing business processes and reshaping industry sectors. To meet today’s new venture development challenges, the firm works with clients to develop sustainable, defensible strategies to meet business objectives.
Our Story
Launching new Triple E -Entrepreneurial Education and Empowerment Programs
Starting in early 2020, Gemini Business Group is launching an exciting new global entrepreneurship initiative. The new Triple E - Entrepreneurial Education and Empowerment Programs are a t hree-tiered initiative launched by the Gemini Business Group to promote global entrepreneurship. A key objective of the program is creating new entrepreneurial programs targeting young adults. Release of a new book and related educational materials is planned for early 2020.
You will be hearing more about the Triple E initiative in coming months as we formalize the Program’s Advisory Board with members in the U.S. and abroad. For Triple E Program highlights and upcoming publications click here